Mattress Recycling Fees
Comprehensive Guide on Mattress Recycling Fees
In an effort to reduce waste and promote repurposing, recycling laws for certain products have been implemented. One of such products are mattresses. The cost associated with these recycling processes is termed as 'mattress recycling fees'. These fees can be challenging to navigate without proper knowledge and understanding.
In 2016, US consumers purchased more than 15 million new beds and generated an estimated 74 million cubic feet of bio-hazardous solid waste in the process when their old mattress ended up in the dump.
We estimate less than 10% of discarded beds are actually recycled.
Consider the fact that only 3 states even collect mattress recycle fees at present: California, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
Recycling helps, but the real answer is to extend mattress end of life 3X by replacing worn and soiled interchangeableparts instead of replacing the complete mattress. Sustainable beds are the solution, disposable beds theproblem.
Sustainable mattresses like ours with interchangeable replaceableparts can extendproduct end of life up to 3X. This effectively cuts the cost of bed ownership over a 15 yearperiod by half andprevents 50% of the solid waste now generated by old bed disposal.
It is simply a matter of consumers changing their buying habits.
Understanding mattress recycling fees is crucial not just from a compliance perspective, but also from a sustainability and waste management standpoint. With proper management of these fees, you can contribute to a more sustainable environment, while potentially saving money. Properly inform yourself about these fees and plan your mattress recycles accordingly.
Per current Guidelines in the 3 states where recycling fees are collected, the following applies:
- The recycle fee is a flat rate and applies to the purchase of any mattress or foundation (excluding waterbed) that are purchased from a retailer
- The recycle fee applies to any bed purchased in a retail store, or from an online retailer or manufacture
- The recycle fee can be refunded during the first 30 days if you return the mattress you purchased
- Part of the fee may be refunded if you turn in your old mattress to an approved recycle or collection facility, at the option of the faclity.
- Specificly for California- For any Mattress sold in California or delivered to a California address form another location, regardless if it was a retail store, or online retailer, the retailer MUST offer to pick up and dispose of your old mattress within 30 days of you receiving your order. This is required to be done at the retailers expense.
- The recycle fee that applies to your state must be listed on your receipt at the time of purchase
These are just some of the regulations we, as a manufature must follow.
For more information about mattress recycling, and current fees by state, or to find a mattress recycling center in your area, please visit the Mattress Recycling Council's website.